Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today, Mommy and I went to a play group at Miss Audrey and Caroline's house. It was so much fun! (Mommy and Miss Audrey are in a mommies' group together.) Mommy took pictures of my friends so that I can share them with you.

This is Mary Catherine. Her mommy is Michele.

This is Lauren. Her mommy is Sharon.

This is Caroline. Her mommy is Audrey.

This is Delia. Her mommy is Rebecca.

I was trying to give Caroline a hug. She's trying to get away from me!
I don't think Caroline wanted my hug! That's OK!

I showed my Auburn spirit today at play group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have more friends than me!! I'm waaaaaaaaaaay older than you are!!

In a few years, your friend will be chasing you around for a hug :)