Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Santa Baby!

Mom and Dad introduced me to Santa today. I even got my picture taken with him. I'm the one in the belly. Santa is supposed to bring you toys and candy every year if you've been good. I hope he doesn't give me coal because I've been kicking Mom in the ribs.
Mom has already bought some pretty Christmas dresses for me. Next year I'll be 10 months old by Christmas. Time sure does fly when you're a baby! Mom,..Dad, don't forget to leave some milk and cookies out for Santa!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Check out my digs!

I Just wanted to show ya where I've been chillin these past 31 weeks.

Mom seems to get bigger by the day,..but then again so do I.

I think Mom looks beautiful being pregnant. She better enjoy it,
because I'm gonna want a little sibling at some point to start bossing around.

Here was a pic taken on Saturday Dec 16th. Mom's belly is 31 cm,..which means
I'm 31 weeks along:
So I've been hearing about this hot boy named William who is due a month before me. My Mom is friends with his Mom. We had a moment the other night by the Christmas Tree. He better ask me to Prom!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Boy is it getting cramped in here!

Hi Everyone!
So I'm finally on the Information Superhighway. It took a while to get a good wifi signal in here, but I'm finally able to plug away on my baby laptop and tell you guys all about my experiences!
First off, let me introduce myself,..I'm Reese. I'm officially -2 months old. So far its been a fun experience, but the square footage is starting to run a tad short. Occasionally I have to nudge myself around in here and stretch. Most every time that happens I get a little poke from Mom. Sometimes I mess with her and pretend I'm asleep, other times I go all Bruce Lee on her and practice my "Kung Fu Fighting". I really shouldn't complain, I have it made in here. 3 squares a day and all the shut eye I want. The Temp is a balmy, yet comfortable 97.8 degrees. Imagine Fiji without all the junk stores and souvenir shops,...oh yeah,..and without the ocean, but I digress.

Well, I go to the doctor today. He'll probably poke at me a lot too,..(whats up with all this poking and prodding,..geesh!!) I'll check in later gotta go catch some ZZZZ's. I'll leave ya with a few pics & video from my 18 weeks checkup,... seems like an eternity ago!